UKNFS has now taken the first and much needed step in regard to establishing its self-funding dimension, to support and assist community return projects in South Asia and organisation work development.
This is in conjunction with our friends and partner organisation, One Community Hampshire and Dorset (led by Mr Pritheepal Singh, a UKNFS Director/Board Member) –
Together UKNFS and the OCHD are very pleased to announce that as a first step on the self-funding initiative (which we sought to initiate over two years ago but had been much disappointed in regarding, until this point in time delivery from some of the directions involved despite their good intentions) we are working with Mr Janmejay Singh Rajput and his JSRA team (India) — supporting entrepreneurship and community welfare and development in India to assist on key aspects of realising the two goals above. These include through this exciting, important partnership community return projects in Nepal and India.
This very exciting British Isles (UK and Ireland) to India (and via the UK Nepal Friendship Society [UKNFS], to Nepal and Ireland) international dimension to the JSRA partnership with OCHD and UKNFS arose through invitation by Mr Rajput to OCHD Initiator and CEO Pritheepal Singh and to Alan Mercel-Sanca as CEO of the UKNFS (and also an OCHD Director/Founder), to contribute their insights as two of the keynote speakers at a recent relevant major JSRA webinar.
This reflecting JSRA’s national level prestigious work and outreach across India, the organisation fits exactly in terms of the closely aligned values and vision of OCHD and the UKNFS, on a combination of nascent MSME and SME level business support and of direct socio-economic, community building and strengthening activity, including international dimensions in both these areas, around education (strong areas of expertise and in the public domain activity of both OCHD and the UKNFS) and beyond.
We also here record our deep appreciation to JSRA for their most kind subsequent provision of certificates of appreciation to us (example below to UKNFS CEO Alan Mercel-Sanca in his OCHD role capacity) in regarding the combined UKNFS and OCHD contribution at the webinar.