The UKNFS is very pleased to announce that as a result of its engagement with the Dorset area NHS, Dorset CCG requested our support regarding implementing a dedicated NHS pan-Dorset Nepali-Gurkha Covid 19 vaccination programme.
A particular highlight of the programme involved 90 Nepali – Gurkha community members from Blandford having their vaccinations on Sunday 20th June at the BIC in central Bournemouth. Image above of Mr Deepak Tamrakar, UKNFS Arts Section co-lead with Dorset Healthcare NHS Trust, NHS pan-Dorset Covid 19 vaccination lead Ms Belinda Andrews-Jones at the BIC on 19th June; the second image including Alan Mercel-Sanca, UKNFS CEO who worked closely with Dorset CCG and Ms Andrew-Jones in support to this crucially important programme’s enablement.