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Our Vision and Mission:

To support the UK Nepali community and all sections of UK Nepali society on integration, equality, inclusion and quality of life in the UK. 

To assist in preserving Nepali culture in the UK, and sharing that culture with broader society. 

To realise these goals through deploying expertise, community engagement and ‘voice,’ through educational, research, and policy advocacy means.

The UK Nepal Friendship Society (UKNFS) was created in the 2011 – 2012, and formally constituted as a UK Companies House (reg number: 08626011) ‘not for profit company limited by guarantee with charitable objects’ charitable purposes organisation in July 2013. 

The UKNFS’ official patron is H.E. the Ambassador of Nepal to the UK, Ireland, and Malta. Institution of this greatly appreciated recognition commenced in the early period of H.E. Dr Durga Bahadur Subedi (https://uknfs.org/january-2017-his-excellency-dr-durga-bahadur-subedi-ambasssador-of-nepal-accepts-uknfs-invitation-to-become-official-patron-of-the-society/), with some years earlier Dr Subedi’s predecessor H.E. Dr Suresh Chandra Chalise providing formal recognition in regard to our samaj/society work. 

Our activity areas:

You can learn directly about all our work and achievements by visiting our news page: https://uknfs.org/news/

Some UKNFS achievements of note:

Support to our Nepali Gurkha community on pensions, rights, and historic injustices issues: https://uknfs.org/gurkha-hunger-strike-ends-in-victory-mod-response-to-parliamentary-petition-indicates-inflexibility-of-core-position-uknfs-responds/